Some of our web pages contain JavaScript so it's important you have this enabled in your web browser.
Google Chrome
- Open Google Chrome, click on the three dots in the top right and select 'Settings'
- Click 'Security and Privacy'
- Click 'Site Settings'
- Click 'JavaScript' under the content section
- Select 'Sites can use JavaScript'
Apple Safari
- In Safari, click 'Safari' and then 'Preferences'
- Click on the 'Security' icon
- Tick the 'Enable JavaScript' checkbox in the 'Web content section'
Microsoft Edge
- In Edge, click the 'Settings and more button'
- Click 'Settings'
- Search for 'JavaScript' and click it in the results section
- Use the toggle button to allow JavaScript
Mozilla Firefox
- In Firefox, type 'about:config' in the address bar and press enter
- Search for 'javascript.enabled'
- Use the toggle button
to enable/disable the setting
- In Opera, open the 'Easy Setup' menu
- Scroll to the bottom of the menu and click 'Go to full browser settings'
- Click 'Site Settings'
- Select 'Sites can use JavaScript'
Still stuck?
You may have a browser add-on that is preventing JavaScript from running. You can either disable the offending add-on or use a different web browser to access that page.