If you use a device with a dedicated graphics card you may find you're automatically using your onboard graphics processor - rather than the more powerful dedicated card. As a result, this may cause low FPS or other performance issues.
Which graphics processor am I using?
To find out if RuneScape is using your dedicated graphics card, follow these steps:
- Log into game
- Open the developer console by pressing
- Type renderer and click enter
- The graphics card RuneScape is using is shown next to 'Renderer'
If you'd like to use your dedicated card to run RuneScape, try the following troubleshooting steps around:
Power Settings
Make sure that your device is plugged into a power supply. Laptops often default to using the onboard graphics card as a power-saving mechanism.
If you want your system to use the dedicated card when it's not plugged into the mains follow these steps:
- Select Start and search 'Control panel'
- Select 'Power Options'
- Under 'Plans shown on the battery meter' choose 'High Performance'
- If this isn't available choose 'Create a power plan' and select High performance > Next > Create
Log into RuneScape and connect to a game world. Use the "renderer" console command to see if RuneScape has now detected the dedicated graphics card.
Software settings
You may need to alter your manufacturer's driver settings to force your computer to automatically use the more powerful dedicated graphics card. You should follow the manufacturer's instructions to do that. Here's instructions for two popular graphics card manufacturers AMD and Nvidia.
Up to date drivers
If you're using outdated drivers, this could also be causing you various issues, we recommend following the advice to update your graphics drivers.
Monitor connected to the correct output
If you have a cable connecting your device and screen it's possible that you may have used the wrong output socket on your device. This may lead to your device defaulting to the wrong graphics card. Additionally, the graphics cards in your device may have more than one connector, as most graphics cards support connecting one or two displays at a time.
Please consult your device's instruction manual, speak to the seller of your device or speak to an independent IT professional for more support on how to operate your specific device.
Administrator restrictions
If you are using a device that is managed by a system admin or has certain restrictions (e.g. a work or school device), you will need to consult the device admins.
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