RuneMetrics gives completely free access to:
- A mini-tracker
- Enhanced XP tracker
- Drop log
- Web activity feed
- Web levels summary
- A web profile
RuneMetrics Pro offers all of the standard features plus 9 more features for a monthly fee. For a full breakdown of available features for both versions, check out the RuneMetrics page.
If you purchased via PayPal or Credit/Debit Card, you will automatically be on a subscription until you cancel.
Can't purchase RuneMetrics Pro
If you are having payment issues when trying to purchase RuneMetrics Pro, don't panic check out our payment troubleshooting guides.
Missing RuneMetrics Pro features
If your purchase was successful but you don't have the additional perks, check you didn't make the purchase on the wrong account by mistake.
If you purchased a non-recurring RuneMetrics membership with Bonds, you will lose access to the features when the membership expires.
Premier Membership discount
If you're a Premier member, you're eligible for 50% discount on a newly set up RuneMetrics Pro membership.