This page should make it easier for you to understand why your bank statement contains multiple charges for the same transaction.
Pending transaction
Some card transactions can take a little while to process, this might look like you've been double charged.
Your payment processor will reserve or pre-authorise the funds on the day of the purchase. The payment will be fully processed over the coming days, and the money will be taken out of your account. Although it appears that the payment was made twice, the funds did not actually leave your account until the payment was fully processed.
Declined payment
Even if your bank or credit/debit card company has declined your payment, the payment may still be reserved. It may take your payment provider up to 5 days to release the money.
Forgotten subscription
If it appears that you've been charged twice for a recurring membership, it may indicate that you have a forgotten subscription. If so, here's how to cancel a subscription.
Contact your payment provider
If your payment was made through a third party provider, please get in touch with them directly:
- Contact PayPal
- Contact Steam
- Contact Apple
- Contact Google
- Contact Amazon
- Contact Axeso5
- Contact BoaCompra or Go4Gold
- Contact Boku
- Contact iDEAL
If you're still stuck, please contact us.